Freaks and Geeks - character you cant stand (2024)

character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(August 04, 2013 02:18 AM) Reply|

Member since July 2013

There are so many characters in the show there has to be one you can't stand like Cindy sanders of Cindy sanders mine would be Cindy

Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(August 04, 2013 06:07 PM) Reply|

Member since May 2006

Cindy Sanders
Sam Weir (in later episodes)
Those deadheads although the lady is pretty gorgeous.

Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(August 04, 2013 11:24 PM) Reply|

Member since July 2013

Is there a specific episode that made you dislike Sam or was it just his character development?

Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(August 05, 2013 07:04 PM) Reply|

Member since May 2006

Probably his character development.

Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(August 05, 2013 05:01 AM) Reply|

Member since March 2013

I couldn't stand Ken or Kim at first but they both grew on me

Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(August 06, 2013 05:52 PM) Reply|

Member since December 2005

i felt the exact same way. i hated kim until the episode where she brought lindsay to dinner and i hated ken until the 2nd half of the season

Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(August 06, 2013 09:47 PM) Reply|

Member since March 2013

That's the same moment when I started liking Kim too. And I also started liking Ken in the 2nd half but I guess that's because he was barely in the first half of the season and didn't do much when he was there.

Re: character you cant stand



» 7 years ago(December 12, 2016 07:52 PM) Reply|

Member since May 2005

I haaaate Cindy. She has an annoying voice, and the way she treated Sam after he gave her that heirloom was pretty insulting. And then she acted like, "You can't break up with me. I'm a pretty pretty princess." I was wicked proud of Sam for breaking up with her so soon. I would think a 14 year old boy wouldn't have had the guts to break up with their "dream girl" after one date.

Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(August 05, 2013 09:30 AM) Reply|

Member since May 2003

Bill Haverchuck. Looking at him with his constantly open mouth, especially whilst he was eating, made me want to vomit.

I also really hated Alan White, for the detestable way he treated others. If the series had continued, I would have been delighted to see him end up in prison.and a sad victim of sexual assault in the shower.

Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(October 19, 2013 08:28 AM) Reply|

Member since March 2012

Bill's character was supposed to be disgusting at times. That was the idea. Martin Starr did a great job playing the character.

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Re: character you cant stand



» 9 years ago(September 04, 2014 08:51 PM) Reply|

Member since April 2007

Alan was supposed to be a "villain", just as teh gym teacher was.

But there was a human side of Alan - as we saw in the allergy episode, when Bill invites him to come to the sci-fi convention with them, and he struggles between wanting to, and being trapped in his bully persona.

Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(August 05, 2013 10:05 PM) Reply|

Member since November 2007

I never thought the girl that played Cindy Sanders was all that pretty in the first place. She was kind of plain looking without much of figure and a pointy nose.

I never liked Neil's brother and I thought he was kind of creepy. He's a junior in college and then he's hitting on this 16 year old high school junior who's a friend of the family?? I don't think it looks as odd on the show because Linda Cardellini was actually 3 years older "older" than the actor that played Neil's brother. So you had a 21 year old actor kissing a 24 year old actress not a 21 year old actor kissing a real 16 year old girl.

Lindsay could get really annoying as the show went on. I found her to be a bit of hypocrite when she constantly criticized Nick for his marijuana use and then she went with the dead heads for 3 weeks to Texas and Colorado.

Her character was annoying sometimes. "yeah, life is really hard when you come from a white middle class family and you're one of the smartest students in the state." It seemed like she was "slumming" it with the freaks for fun until she went off to some ivy league school while the freaks were stuck with their crappy lives.

Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(September 23, 2013 10:13 PM) Reply|

Member since April 2012

He was in his second year of college. That makes them only 3 years apart. A 16-year-old is an adult anyway.

Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(September 24, 2013 06:27 AM) Reply|

Member since November 2007

Since when is a 16 year old an adult?? What are you talking about?

You're right, the character is supposed to be a sophom*ore in college not a junior. It's still 3-3 1/2 years age difference which is huge at that point in life. So the character is supposed to be 20 years old. The actor who played "Barry," David Krumholtz, was actually 21 when he appeared in this. He actually looks older than that. The difference isn't as noticeable because Cardellini was 25 years old at the time.

The whole thing comes off a tad creepy because the actor looks older than a college sophom*ore and he goes back to high school and starts hitting on a 16 year old high school junior. Even if he didn't look older, he still looks like a creep going back to high school and hitting on a high school junior.

Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(September 24, 2013 06:33 AM) Reply|

Member since November 2007

Since when is a 16 year old an adult?? What are you talking about?

You're right, the character is supposed to be a sophom*ore in college not a junior. It's still 3-3 1/2 years age difference which is huge at that point in life. So the character is supposed to be 20 years old. The actor who played "Barry," David Krumholtz, was actually 21 when he appeared in this. He actually looks older than that. The difference isn't as noticeable because Cardellini was 25 years old at the time.

The whole thing comes off a tad creepy because the actor looks older than a college sophom*ore and he goes back to high school and starts hitting on a 16 year old high school junior. Even if he didn't look older, he still looks like a creep going back to high school and hitting on a high school junior.

Re: character you cant stand



» 9 years ago(October 10, 2014 12:01 AM) Reply|

Member since September 2006

Don't think it was creepy when it's understood that Barry and Lindsay grew up together from childhood since Sam and Neil were friends. Wouldn't be surprised if they played in a tree house together and had a first 'kiss' when they were like 5. Barry probably always had some attraction yet appears to have lacked some confidence in himself during his high school years (the line about how college doesn't rate you on your high school days), plus Lindsay would've been like 12 years old when Barry was in high school now THAT would've been creepy.

With the new found confidence in Barry and Lindsay having turned out quite well, Barry went for it and rightly so.

Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(March 01, 2014 05:29 PM) Reply|

Member since August 2005

You nailed Lindsay's character perfectly. Her storylines are my least favorite, and as a parent she's a freakin' nightmare. What a waste.

Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(March 02, 2014 10:03 AM) Reply|

Member since November 2007

Yeah, I thought they did a fantastic job with the Geek story-line and the Freak story-line was a bit of an uneven mess. They severely underutilized James Franco's character. Seth Rogen would disappear for 3-4 episodes and then show up and say a few wise cracks and then disappear again. Then they had that bizarre story-line of him with a hermaphrodite girl friend? Nick's father would show up and then disappear for 10 episodes. Busy Phillips character was a psychopath for the first 3-4 episodes and then suddenly becomes nice and sweet. By the middle of the season it didn't even seem like they were freaks anymore, they were just like all the other kids.

Lyndsay spent 3-4 episodes criticizing Nick's marijuana use and then the show ends with her jumping into a dead head van and becoming a dead head?? I hated the ending.

I knew a lot of people like Lyndsay when I was in college during the late 80's because their was this whole Grateful Dead revival around that time. They were mostly middle class kids looking for an excuse to get high and drunk and then they labeled themselves as dead-heads and would criticize everybody and everything and were all about peace and love and the hippie ideal etc and were usually the biggest hypocrites. Fast forward 5-10 years and these people got haircuts and shaved their beards and went to work at Lehman Brothers or some other corporate job. They bought nice houses in the suburbs and bought a Honda Accord or a Volvo or an Acura and now there just annoying people with money.

Re: character you cant stand



» 9 years ago(July 16, 2014 10:38 AM) Reply|

Member since May 2011

Well, Kim's mother was only in couple of episodes too. This show was mainly about the Weir family and the friends of the kids, so I don't see a point why they should've showed the other parents unless the storyline needed that.

If we don't think about the script for the "future" episodes which were never filmed due to cancellation, Lindsay didn't exactly become a deadhead. The way I saw it was she just wanted to taste the freedom and skipped the academic summit and went to the tour with Kim and the others to have some fun. Lindsay tried marijuana in one episode after criticizing Nick and didn't like it - on the other episodes/in the end there was nothing about that she would've changed her mind about it.

Re: character you cant stand



» 9 years ago(August 04, 2014 09:31 AM) Reply|

Member since November 2010

I never thought the girl that played Cindy Sanders was all that pretty in the first place. She was kind of plain looking without much of figure and a pointy nose.

I think that was kinda the point, she was supposed to be pretty but not unattainably so.

As for figure, well, she was only 15, a lot of girls haven't filled out at that stage. That's one of the things I liked about the show, that the characters looked their age.

"At a certain age, you have to choose between your face and your ass."

Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(August 06, 2013 04:31 AM) Reply|

Member since March 2011

Sam Weir is just too awkward to watch lol.

There really wasn't anyone else I disliked.

In the age of the internet, ignorance is a choice.

Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(August 06, 2013 10:25 PM) Reply|

Member since March 2008

Bill especially when he was eating with his big mouth open.

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Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(August 21, 2013 11:04 PM) Reply|

Member since November 2005

I kind of wish Cindy didn't end up the way she didI liked her better as that sweet pretty unattainable dream girl.

On the contrary, I thought it was great how they showed her "true colors" - as in, even though she's the "dream girl" and "pretty" (which I thought she actually wasn't), doesn't make her a compatible or even a nice person. You could see clues of it in the episode with Bill.

I also could relate, I knew a "Cindy" in junior high or high. Beautifuland a really self-centered, mean b*tch, lol.

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Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(August 26, 2013 03:09 PM) Reply|

Member since September 2012

I just started watching this and I can not stand Lindsey. She's just annoying and very whiny to me.

Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(September 20, 2013 10:01 PM) Reply|

Member since September 2013

I can't stand Alan White. He tried to kill Bill.

Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(December 07, 2013 06:23 AM) Reply|

Member since September 2010


Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(September 23, 2013 01:56 PM) Reply|

Member since April 2012

Sort of odd, but no one mention Nick, I mean his body-language is made for annoyance. And he was actually pretty dumb all over, not to mention how terrible clueless he was. On top of being dumb and clueless, he was always stoned.

In his defense Lindsay was bad at reading his weird body-language. In her defense she had to read Nick..

Alan -That was a no-brainer, he was a jerk in every episode, even his apology was stiff and not convincible.

I could mention Cindy and Vicky, but in their defense they have what they have being popular cheerleaders. The superficial bad attitude didn't really stuck deep with Vicky. (Her and Bill in the closet). I think they should have implemented her more in the show, she was hilarious with Neal at the game.

The math teacher, he was such a douche.

Millie'd dog for eating the steaks on the BBQ, not forgivable! Kim eventually took care of that.

Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(October 03, 2013 07:50 AM) Reply|

Member since December 2003

I thought Sean was a real jerk. I know he was only in five episodes. He was mean to Eli, a boy with a developmental disability.

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Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(October 14, 2013 09:52 PM) Reply|

Member since February 2012

At first, I loathed Kim; I so wanted Lindsay to deck her. However, I eventually came to love Kim. I never cared for Ken, but, unlike Kim, he never grew on me. I think the show would've been fine without him. Also, I despised Nick's dad.

Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(October 22, 2013 12:14 PM) Reply|

Member since March 2006

Me too. Kim grew on me. I ended up liking her more than Lindsay. Lindsay could be so irritating. Kim was just herself.


Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(October 15, 2013 09:53 AM) Reply|

Member since May 2013

Yeah, probably also Cindy Sanders. And sometimes Lindsay would annoy me, it was like she could never make up her mind and it would make her a bit of a hypocrite at times. It might've been because she was "searching for herself" or something.
And Ken was pretty insignificant.

Re: character you cant stand


» 10 years ago(October 22, 2013 01:36 PM) Reply|

Member since November 1999

You need to draw a distinction between fully-on not liking someone, and finding someone irritating, odd or flawed.

Part of the trick of the show is that all the characters - even the "good guys" - are flawed, but even the full-on bad guys have moments when you understand them and feel sympathy for them. Pretty nearly every unsympathetic character gets at least a little sympathetic moment: Alan White, Vicky, even Nick's father. Other characters who start off as villains later get a full-on reveal of a very sympathetic side, e.g. coach Fredericks. And others, who you might expect to be antagonists in a show with a more black-and-white structure, are always presented as understandable and sympathetic, like the Weir parents.

Even very minor characters often get a little "flip" where you see them in a whole different light, like Ben Stiller's Secret Service Agent. There are a few obvious exceptions, where minor characters who are played entirely for laughs, like the "Parisian Night Suit" salesman. I'm not sure what to make of Kim Kelly's family. They're not on screen enough to get a chance to get another dimension, although I suppose we can assume it's there.

Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(October 27, 2013 08:57 PM) Reply|

Member since March 2008

Cindy, I never liked her, even when it was on originally.

Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(November 20, 2013 02:58 AM) Reply|

Member since July 2011

I can't stand Lindsay. I understand that she is full of angst and identity confusion etc, but she is so cold and and selfish. She isn't really kind to anyone, she doesn't even seem to relate to her own brother. Maybe I've got her wrong, but I just find her irritating.

Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(November 23, 2013 10:08 AM) Reply|

Member since April 2002

For me it's Neil. I do not know whether it was the actor or the character but he was not cute, he was not funny, he was not all that nice, I find basically nothing redeeming about him.

"It's Minnie Pearl's murder weapon."

Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(November 26, 2013 02:51 AM) Reply|

Member since October 2010

I never really liked Cindy in the first place but then when she started to date Sam I really hated her. At first she seemed to be a nice person then all of a sudden when she dates Sam she turns into a really big bitch..

Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(December 04, 2013 06:40 PM) Reply|

Member since April 2013

Honestly, probably Millie. It may have been the actor or character but she was just so awkward. and many people look over the idea but she was REALLY judge mental of Lindsay and the rest of the freaks, often in an almost hypocritical way (I.e. when Nick and Lindsay kiss in the hall)

Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(December 07, 2013 08:44 AM) Reply|

Member since December 2003

Neal's dad was a total douche.

Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(December 07, 2013 09:23 AM) Reply|

Member since July 1999

Didn't like Millie, Ken or Kim's characters. Millie was just annoying to me. Everytime she came on the screen, I wanted Lindsay to shooo her away. Kim was also annoying the first few episodes, but she got better later on. Ken seems like he was ready to snap and shoot up the school at time. Just want the opening when they are taking his picture. He looks buts and he doesn't same much for more of the show. I've only watched like 8 episodes. The show is still great though. It sucks that they cancelled it so quickly.

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This is the End
The World's End
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Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(December 07, 2013 11:29 AM) Reply|

Member since February 2013

I would have to say Lindsay. I felt what Kim said in the beginning was true: she's a poser. I felt like she just wanted to be part of the cool gang and rebel. I could never take her seriously and she always kind of pissed me off trying to act cool and that she was better than everyone else because she was finally part of the gang.

Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(January 01, 2014 01:40 PM) Reply|

Member since February 2006

Alan White. He is just an *beep*
Especially the scenes in gym class, taunting Sam in the locker
room. Back then it wasn't bullying, as it is now. The only human side of him was when he apologized to Bill in the hospital.
I wonder if a glimpse into Alan's future would have shown him drunk and alone.

"But you ain't got no legs Lt. Dan" ~Forrest Gump

Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(January 02, 2014 09:25 AM) Reply|

Member since March 2004

I loved Alan's character - he was so funny!

I can't stand Bill. While I get they were trying to make him REALLY geekyI think they went overboard. The way he talked, mouth breathing, ughit was just awful watching him interact with people.

Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(January 12, 2014 04:09 PM) Reply|

Member since October 2013

There usually is in every show, right? I really had no problem with anyone. Maybe there would have been characters I liked more than others or what not. But everyone filled a purpose.

I think the dad in the pilot episode was a little much. It just didn't feel right with the "Know where he is now? He's dead!" stuff. But it's a little complaint, because I like the dad throughout the course of the show.

Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(January 24, 2014 07:04 PM) Reply|

Member since November 2005

Definitely Lindsay.she was a poser using others to rebel against society. She acted different with each group she was with. Then to have all the opportunities she did only to be an a** about each one of them.

Next would be Alan White. Somebody shoulda pulled a can of whoop-a** on him!

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Re: character you cant stand



» 10 years ago(February 16, 2014 08:06 PM) Reply|

Member since October 2004

A couple of the teachers keep pissing me off, the way they yell at the wrong kids. Like Sam getting in trouble and humiliated in class because his FRIENDS were goofing off and he told them to shut up. At least 'ol Biff decided to act like a human and talk to him about the birds and the bee's all patient-like.

I don't like the math teacher's attitude either. I hate it when teachers talk about their students like they're losersI mean, if a teacher's gonna hate his students, why even teach at all? (I had the same problem with that douche from Dawson's Creek)


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"

Freaks and Geeks - character you cant stand (2024)
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